This is the c# solution for the Hackerrank problem – Minimum Distances – Hackerrank Challenge – C# Solution.
Source – Ryan Fehr’s repository.
/* Problem: C# Language Version: 7.0 .Net Framework Version: 4.7 Tool Version : Visual Studio Community 2017 Thoughts : 1. Let the array be arr containing all input integers. 2. Let minimum distance value to be found be minDist. Initialize minDist with -1. 3. Let there be a hash map which can contain integers as key-value pairs. Let its name be hm. 4. Start iterating arr in a loop: 4.1 Let the current integer being iterated is n. 4.2 Let the index of n in the array be i. 4.3 Check whether n is present as key in hm or not: 4.3.1 If it is not present then add (n,i) as key value pair into hm. 4.3.2 If it is present then check if minDist is still set to -1: If yes then set minDist to difference of i and value corresponding to n key in hm. If no then check whether difference of i and value corresponding to n key in hm is less than minDist. If it is true then set minDist to difference of i and value corresponding to n key in hm. 4.4 Keep repeating steps from 4.1 through 4.3 until entire array gets iterated. 5. Print minDist on console. Time Complexity: O(n) Array of integers has to iterated at least once in entirety. Space Complexity: O(n) I'm maintaining an extra hash map having index of unique elements in the array. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class Solution { static int MinimumDistances(int[] arr) { var minimumDist = -1; var numberMap = new Dictionary(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (numberMap.ContainsKey(arr[i])) { if (minimumDist == -1) { minimumDist = i - numberMap[arr[i]]; continue; } if (i - numberMap[arr[i]] < minimumDist) minimumDist = i - numberMap[arr[i]]; } else numberMap.Add(arr[i], i); } return minimumDist; } static void Main(String[] args) { //No need to capture the size of array. I use array's length property instead. Console.ReadLine(); var a_temp = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); var a = Array.ConvertAll(a_temp, Int32.Parse); var result = MinimumDistances(a); Console.WriteLine(result); } }